The digital video consultant Clipflows©

DAN Küchen Megastore Meran

DIGITAL CONSULTING – pioneering customer experience

On the new website of DAN Küchen Megastore Merans, our digital consultant Clipflows© ensures constant and, above all, enlightened contact by potential customers. In this case, the Clipflows© consists of 10 videos in which advantages and offers are explained, and interested parties can click through the interactive videos for optimal advice. The speaker was cast by us and all texts come from the Cinemepic think tank. The digital advisor was optimized so that viewers are well-informed and can be convinced to get in touch!


If a potential customer has completed the digital consultation on the website, they will make a more informed inquiry than someone who has only seen a social media post or advertisement. Due to the time invested, this contact is also more emotionally warmed up than usual inquiries. Digital advice on the website therefore delivers higher quality inquiries that are more likely to become customers.

Let's get started!

Interested in starting your video project with us? Then contact us for a non-binding initial consultation.

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© 2024 Cinemepic v.Gmbh


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