Social recruiting explained in 2 minutes. Why job portals are no longer of any use

More and more companies are desperate to find good and suitable employees. Even all the job portals on the Internet no longer bring the desired success. The new magic word for successful employee recruitment is: Social Recruiting.

Job portals are no good anymore! But why is that?

Job portals are exactly where people are actively looking for a job! Actually the ideal target group when a company is desperately looking for employees. However, this target group is not only extremely small, but also highly competitive. Standing out from the crowd here as a company is extremely difficult and, above all, very cost-intensive.
So, what other options do companies have for successful employee recruitment? A huge disadvantage of job portals is that they exclude a very important target group! This target group are those who are definitely ready for a job change, but are not actively looking for one. And that’s around 1 in 4 people today. There is therefore a huge market of potential employees available to companies that is just waiting to be exploited. And these are exactly the people you can find on social media!

The magic word is called Social Recruiting, but what exactly is it?

Social recruiting means reaching relevant applicants exactly where they are, meaning on all known social media channels. People not only spend a lot of time on social media, but can also be reached several times a day, as they visit different channels several times a day. In addition, social media offers relevant functions that make the application process extremely easy for applicants. This removes a very decisive hurdle, as applicants now want to invest as little time as possible in an application. With the right set-up and the right approach, you can minimize the application to 30 seconds. This alone motivates most people to apply and greatly minimizes the „bounce rate“ from interest to application.
And the best thing is: social recruiting works for all industries!
Whether it’s the skilled trades, gastronomy, IT or hotel industry. Because social recruiting can be precisely targeted at specific target groups. This is not only much more cost-efficient, but also more time-efficient.

What exactly is needed for successful social recruiting?

An optimal strategy is essential for success in social recruiting. This means that the first step is to define a precise target group. To do this, we discuss the exact requirements, wishes and details of the position to be filled in a strategy meeting with our clients. However, it is also very important for us to gain a good understanding of the company itself and its employees. The better we understand a company, the better we can convert this information into a targeted approach.
In the next step, we package precisely this information into a targeted advertising medium. An appealing advertising medium is the key to getting the attention of the target group and ultimately convincing them. And videos are the ideal medium! Videos can bring all relevant information closer to the target group in a faster, more colorful & above all emotional way. The possibilities are endless & videos are therefore much more persuasive than static images.
And with performance marketing we ensure that our customers‘ videos are also distributed to the precisely defined target group. Performance marketing is all about achieving maximum success as cost-effectively and efficiently as possible. To this end, we constantly analyze and optimize our clients‘ campaigns and can therefore guarantee success in social recruiting for our clients.
If you would like to find out more about what video marketing, social recruiting or performance marketing could look like in your company, please contact us for a non-binding strategy discussion.

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